Wednesday, February 19, 2014

WIP Wednesday: Busy Bees and Awkward Beginnings

Did you ever have a week where you're running around, busy as can be, but nothing actually gets done?  That's how this past week has been.

It started out productive enough. Remember that pink little blankie I was working on last week? I tackled the border and got it done and listed in the shop. I was pretty darn happy with it! The edging ruffles out a bit, and I think it works...

So, see? I was off and running! And then BOOM!, the chaos began. Oh, there were birthdays and doctor appointments and temper tantrums and last-minute trips out of town and a really messy house and...well, you get the picture, I'm sure.

And with all of that crazy stuff going on, nothing really got done.

Wait. That's not completely right. A few little things did get accomplished...

Like shopping! Because when your birthday hits and you can suddenly count the years of your life in decades (DECADES, people. Ugh.), it's appropriate to indulge. Don't you think?

I hit the local antique shop first.

And the craft store second.

Which is all sorts of awesome because I totally need cake and a new afghan for the couch, right? Right. And, speaking of new afghans, I started another little one.

(Just when you were beginning to think there would be no WIP in this WIP post. Psh.)

It's just like the pink ruffle, but yellow.  Nothing earth shattering and new, I'm afraid. But I love the color. It's all sorts of springtime, lemon chiffon, airy-as-can-be yellow goodness. It makes me want to throw open the windows and hear the birds sing. Yes, it's that good!

But I'm a bit reluctant to post a picture of it. You see, my new little blankie is suffering from a bout of 'new blanket awkward'. When a blanket is nearing completion, it generally has that pulled together, plush and pretty look to it. But starting out - only a few rows in - new blankets tend to look toothy and sparse.


See what I mean?

But like any proud mama, I see potential. And I'm going to keep plugging away.  Now that the craziness of the past week is (hopefully) settled behind me, I'm totally looking forward to kicking back and crocheting away.

And maybe sneaking in a nap.

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