Thursday, July 17, 2014

What's On My Hook? and a Destash Update

Quiet seems to be the theme this summer. It's quiet around here lately. I'm quiet.

And maybe a little uninspired? Possibly.

I'm going to blame that on this '90 day yarn destash' that I swore I'd stick to. Yep. This whole yarn-buying-hiatus is for the birds. I NEED NEW YARN!  But so far, I'm behaving and sticking to using only what I have in my possession.

Boring, isn't it?

But all pouting aside, I'm chugging along with what I have on hand. And so far, I have one project finished...and another new one started. (!!!)

Ok, so that finished project. It was a giraffe. Shocking, I know. (Note my sarcasm, as it seems that giraffes are all I am making lately!)

He's cute, right? A brighter yellow than I'd do for a traditional giraffe, with spots in shades of grape, hot pink, orange, grass green and electric blue.

And the new project I started looks a little something like this...

Do the colors seem a little Easter-y to you? I'll admit, I've had a change of heart on my color choices.  But my 4 year old reassures me that they're really pretty.  And I mean, if SHE likes it...

It's the Beatrice Blanket by Little Doolally, by the way.  I love how the stitches look like cupcakes. Don't they? Or am I just hungry?

As for this #90dayyarndestash - we'll say that I'm making it through the challenge. So far. But 90 days seems a lot longer than I originally (and far too optimistically) thought...

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