Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday Morning Makes : Indulging in Spring

Are you a fan of yellow?

I'll admit, I'm normally not. But lately?  Lately I've been pretty into it.

Maybe it's because this winter has been so long. And cold. And snowy. Ugh. I'm craving any little bits of Spring that I can get my greedy hands on. And yellow is as Spring of a color as you can get, right? Right.

Hell, I've even gone as far as spring cleaning in an attempt to conjure warmer temperatures and sunshine!  Granted, I only got as far as organizing a few bags of yarn, but...still progress, I think.


So, I was sitting up with a cup of tea, flipping through pages on Ravelry in the wee small hours of the morning a few days back when I stumbled upon a gem. The Happy Throw.

*** Now, now, now. Let me back up the truck for a second and let you in on a little secret. I'm obsessed with blankets. I know, I know...most of my blog is filled with little projects...bunnies, coasters, yadda yadda.  But my heart belongs to the afghan. I collect them. I crochet them. I ADORE a good blanket.  You're getting a gift from me? Chances are, it's a blanket. You're looking to buy me a gift? Really, I'm that easy to please! ***

I started with a few Spring-y colors. And while the pattern seemed tricky on paper, it's pretty easy breezy to work up once I started putting hook to yarn.

And then I sat back and looked at my beloved Spring-y colors and thought: Well, that's kind of BORING.  So I added a couple more...

Better?? I think so. Grey makes everything better, doesn't it? *smile and nod*

It's a work in progress, for sure. And when I started, I wasn't sure I was going to love it. But I'm finding that I'm going crazy with the need to add more rows and I'm loving it more and more.  What started out as a little side project has become my newest obsession.

Which is unfortunate for those bunnies I was supposed to be working on this week.

Happy Monday!

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