Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy Throw = Finished!

Do you ever have trouble sleeping?

I don't. Like, ever.

So imagine my surprise when I found myself awake in the wee small hours of the morning.

I should probably mention that no one in my house has been sleeping much lately. I like to call it the Great Toddler Sleep Strike - 2 little kids, one early bird and one night owl, both refusing to sleep.  So we've had a very tired week 'round here...

But when everyone was finally settled last night, I found myself wide awake.

Insomnia - even if just for a little while - is an incredibly uneasy feeling. I don't like it.

The time wasn't wasted, though. Nope, not at all. I had ends to weave in...

And finally, at about 2 am, I had a finished blanket!

This wasn't a really long project. If it wasn't for my kids who never sleep, I probably would have been done a week ago. But I went through spurts with this blanket where I loved it and then spurts where I flat out hated it.

In the end, I totally appreciate (what I consider to be) the uniqueness of it. I've seen similar patterns out there, but nothing quite like this one. In a world of ripples and granny squares, I like seeing something a bit different.

I love the color combination. It's something I would not normally put together, but I'm glad that it's so bright and airy. And I really love the pop of grey. It seems to balance it.

There's something about those scallops. They're so happy! I totally enjoyed watching them come together throughout the pattern.

I'd like to try this again in blocks of color. Maybe varying shades of blue? Or purple?

So many ideas...what colors would you pick?

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