Well, it's that time again - the end of one year and the start of a new one.
New Year's is a funny time for me. While most people usher the new year in with a bang, I tend to get quiet - reflective - and oftentimes a bit sad. I dwell too much on wasted opportunities, lost friends and all the little things I've left undone. Like this little blog. Oh, how I've neglected you!
With the exception of this dusty blog and a few too many WIPs to bring into the New Year with me, though, I can't say that this year has been bad. Quite the opposite, actually! This has been a year of figuring it out - myself, my business, my life and what I want out of it. There have been a few hiccups, but all in all, it's been good. And it's certainly been crafty...
There have been blankets!
Oh my, have there been blankets. If you've read any other blog posts in here, you've probably already figured out that I'm a bit blanket obsessed. And since I rarely make or keep anything for myself, a lot of those blankets have ended up in my Etsy shop. Some have sold and some remain, and I may never figure out what anyone is actually looking for...but I've had so much fun experimenting!
There have been LOTS of stuffed toys and amigurumi!
One thing I have learned in this past year is that folks love a cute stuffed toy. I do, too! It's been so much fun seeing bunnies and bears come to life on my hook. And since I'm a tad impatient, they've been great 'quick' projects in between those blankets.
And finally, there have been far too many WIPs!
Work in Progess. *sigh* One of my goals in the later half of this past year has been to start the new year with a clean slate. I purged and frogged some projects that were never going to get done...and I piled up all the blankets and stuffies yet to be finished. But in the end, I couldn't crochet fast enough. Though, to be honest, it's certainly a pretty pile of unfinished projects to start the new year with :)
As I sit here with my never-ending cup of tea, I still find myself reflecting and over-thinking the past 12 months. (What can I say, I can't help myself!) But I've also begun plotting and planning the year ahead. I have so many hopes! Fewer unfinished projects, fewer worries, fewer gloomy days, fewer excuses. More yarn, more happy, WAY more blog posts(!!!), more painted fingernails and flowers and maybe even a blanket or two for myself to keep!
This will be a good year.
Have a happy one!
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
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