Sunday, October 27, 2013

Goodbye Summer...

It's with a pile of unfinished summer ripple and a heavy heart that I give in and admit that...well...summer is kinda over.

 And with that, I find myself in a funk.

A crafty funk. Because I had all these plans and patterns percolating in this brain of mine. A bright, airy granny square. Another smaller ripple. Awesome color schemes for the warmer weather. And then, fall - wow, yeah. Lots of ideas. And what have I done? A whole lot of nothing.

 *hangs head in shame*

I mean, don't get me wrong, I started a bunch of amazing projects.  Some were meant to be gifts for friends...others were going to brighten my kids' rooms...and then there were the charity projects. Oh geez, don't get me started on those!

But as summer carried on, I got...distracted.  'With what?', you ask?  With the amazing-ness that is summer, of course!

Impromptu trips to the beach. Setting up the swimming pool after an early dinner.  Running for ice cream cones.  Walks with that big ol' beast of a double stroller. Exploring and investigating and making messes.

So, ya know, at least my unfinished projects weren't forgotten for nothing, right?!


So I guess it's time to shake off the funk and start indulging in a little bit of autumn.  Maybe I'll get a bit better at organizing my time.  Maybe a few projects will actually get finished (what an idea!).  And if they don't...well, if they don't, maybe I'll find a way to be ok with that, too :)
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